Tuesday, May 31, 2016

This is your brain in space

  Nasa is planning a trip to mars in 2030. So far they have gathered everything they need to send people to mars, they have: housing, food, water and air they need for the whole mission. But there is one very important problem yet to be solved, the people. For this mission the astronauts need to be used to Isolation, leaving their families, crammed in a small space for long periods of time, and day and night times scrambled. Nasa has decided to make a simulation on a red mountain range where they spent multiple days and nights getting used to the situation and conditions.

  I chose this story because it seems interesting that we have almost made it to mars. I found it interesting that they found a place to simulate mars. Also it is interesting because it really shows that we can survive on mars but in maybe 20 or more years we will have people living on Mars.



  1. I agree , getting to Mars sounds very interesting! Has anyone seen "The Martian?" It's a really good movie about surviving on Mars!

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  2. This is really cool! I think it was a clever and interesting idea to make a simulation for the astronauts. Do you know what kinds of things the astronauts will be doing in the simulation/on Mars?

  3. I loved the Martian it was such a good movie!

  4. I loved the Martian it was such a good movie!

  5. I loved the Martian it was such a good movie!

  6. i saw the thing it was weird

  7. So NASA will send astronauts in 14 years! How much food would they need? How much room does the astronauts actually have? I feel really bad for the astronauts in the program. Like come on, who can stand not seeing or talking to your family for long periods of time.


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